Dancing, channeling and sharing from sacred sites around the world. 


You could say that the journey to Stonehenge is one that has been calling me for many lifetimes. It was more of a homecoming than a ‘new venture’. 

And of course the universe works in mysterious ways, and should you be open to receive, and courageous enough to follow, you too will receive your ‘home calling’.  

Many years ago I received a message from spirit that I needed to show people my ‘land channeling’, and that I should show them through movement. I was given the message to begin in Uluru, but I was not ready at the time to take up the call. 

I have been ‘land channeling’ since I was born. I thought it was extremely ‘normal’, or rather that everyone did it. I was 23 years old when it dawned on me that not everyone casually communicated with rocks, rivers and trees, and could tap into the intelligence of the land, and receive clear messages. I also thought it was ‘normal’ to receive big downloads of information whilst dancing. Wasn’t that the reason y’all love dancing so much too? 

And of course I thought it was normal, because it is. Being a channel is the most natural thing in the world, and we all are. Yet at this time many have forgotten, so I wish to remind you of your power and your gifts. 

That’s the funny thing about our unique gifts, they are such an intrinsic part of us, oftentimes we do not even recognise them as gifts. We try to shut them down or ignore them. We class them as ‘weird’, or we do not even see their potency. 

So, fast forward to 2022, having moved halfway across the world to Europe it appears I am now ready to commit on a deeper level to my path of intuitive living, soul led business and following alignment with my soul mission here at this time. 

Surprise, surprise, it’s the same information I got many years ago, only now it’s ready to be shared in form, and ready to be shared with you! 

So, I welcome you with all of my being, to the Kayra channeled movement project. I invite you to literally travel across the world with me, as together we will tune into the potent frequencies of the earth that we need access to at this time as a collective. 

As I move intuitively throughout the globe I will visit sacred sites (known and unknown), and open my channel to share with you channeled activations and transmissions in dance, writing and spoken form. 

This project is completely free and available to all who wish to receive these activations. 

The same way that you pass on a book you have loved to a friend, I ask that you share these transmissions generously and without judgment. If you feel, or sense someone in your bubble needs these words, or movements or images, now is the time to share. 

We are all waking up together, and it’s time that we actively walk, dance, and journey with each other back home. 

If you are still here, I welcome you into this potent portal and invite you to breathe deeply into your heart center as we enter transmission #1 - STONEHENGE GLASTONBURY, APRIL 2022 , solar eclipse- the return to the expanded heartbeat. 

Continue to the next blog to enter the portal of Stonehenge