In true relevance to what I am about to write, I will admit that my first thought was to make a video on this subject. Then the voice of reason reminded me, I’ve been in bed for 10 days, hardly looking my best, and what would be the harm in turning back to some ‘old fashioned’ blogging. The simplicity of putting pen to paper. Which of course in actual fact, is the simplicity of me clacking on a keyboard and staring at an artificially lit screen. But, at least the sentiment is there. 

What I feel called to put to paper today, is our relationship to complexity, simplicity and perfectionism. 

I will put both my hands up now and say I am, and have been many times the guilty party in spouting what I will call ‘spiritual perfectionism.” Spiritual perfectionism is when we take concepts that are very complex, and at the same time very simple, and we oversimplify or over complicate them. No matter which way we start or begin, the end result is the same. The person in question is left feeling attacked/ blamed/ put down for their ‘spiritual evolution’. For not ‘fixing themselves’ enough. For being too much a human, or too much a starseed or walk in. This cycle perpetuates itself. Through the media, through well meaning friends and acquaintances, until it builds a skin of it’s own and lives within you. 

Your spiritual journey becomes ‘work’. And of course it is work. But it is the work of a lifetime and so totally unique in it’s flavour to you, ideally it need not feel like an unscratchable itch, but rather a spiral of deep curiosity which takes you to new layers of your uniqueness. 

As spirituality is becoming more ‘’mainstream’, and we have the challenge of explaining deeply complex simple truths in a 30 second reel, or a 60 second tik tok, or if you're lucky, in a one page blog, a lot of the nuances get lost. 

There is a lot of ‘information’ out there now about spirituality telling us how we can be better, and fix ourselves, and come back to wholeness.

There is a lot of false light.  

I feel a sadness with this, as we are truly missing some key points. 

In my work doing soul blueprint healings I am fascinated by the complexity of humans, and the simpleness of our own remedy. When I work with peoples energetic fields I have the absolute privilege to get a glimpse at the soul path and patterns of this person. 

Within this blueprint reading I can see physical injury, sickness, chakras which are balanced, or overactive, codes of light which wish to be activated, deep soul lessons which are already activated, strong gifts and potentials, past life traumas that are relevant to their current day, past life injuries. When I interact with their soul prints I hear the messages they need to receive, direct words of affirmation that will resonate deeply with their soul print at that time. I see their guides and angels, the ancestral gifts and trauma held in the body. And I have the beautiful moment where we come ‘out ‘ of the session, I am no longer channeling with them, and we are just two beings talking together again in a room. 

I’m not telling you all of this so you think I am amazing, or strange, or whatever you may think. I am telling you this to offer you an insight into your own complexity. 

Your soul blueprint, combined with your physical form, and your life experience makes you so incredibly unique. No astrology chart, no cabala, no soul blueprint reader, healer or medium will ever be able to comprehend or show you the depth of your uniqueness. Only you can truly sense this. 

We are all mirrors of each other, and living in communion with others is a precious gift to help awaken your most divine light and self, however there is no one on this planet who can truly shine as you do. 

In our attempt to do the work, I feel we have forgotten this. There is no one rule that fits all. Certainly there are rules, and ways in which energy and concepts like to dance and play, however they may not apply to you in the same way as the next person. 

When you see another’s journey there is no sense in comparison. There is no anchor point for comparison. Deepen into your core, into yourself and clear your channel. The unique sensations, guidance and callings that are compatible with your bigger journey will become clear. 

The simplicity of living in alignment with your light, aka your soul purpose / blueprint really is this. To journey inward, to trust that journey, and to do what feels uniquely aligned for you. 

Of course accessing and maintaining this centre of simplicity is complex. In a world full of complexity and oversimplification it can be challenging to tune it all out, and tune into you. It can be the journey of a life time just to give yourself permission to do so. Or perhaps that part is easy for you, the challenge will be in sharing this. Or perhaps the sharing comes easily, the challenge will be in expanding this. The expansion may come easy to you, perhaps the challenge is in the small stuff. The small stuff may come easy to you, your challenge may be in rising. 

It is not important, all that is important is to trust in your simple, complex, unique , perfection.

~ Words, Genevieve Kayra 


~ ART Bernadett Bagyinka