In the new earth even the “light work'' we do is drastically changing. When I first ‘woke up’ inside the world of spirituality there was a totally different paradigm and vibe going on. It didn’t matter which practice or sphere I moved in, there was still a strong sense of ‘fixing what was broken’. ‘Doing the work’ needed to be really hard, arduous and long . There was an undercurrent of dogma, and the suggestion that we were innately wrong, and needed to do a lot of hard work to return to our core essence. A strong undercurrent of perfectionism, and still a heavy leading toward ‘masculine spirituality’. Aka practices which favour the masculine energies such as yoga, certain kinds of meditation over feminine practices.
I always innately felt there was something missing from those practices. There was always such a focus on ‘emptying the mind’, ‘becoming a witness’, and ‘becoming still.’ I wanted to be FULL! I wanted to reach fullness, not emptiness!...
Cue entrance into the feminine spiritual arts. Within my work and play in the realm of more feminine based spirituality over the past years I definitely began to feel much more at home and comfortable with my spiritual practices. They seemed to ‘fit’.
However recently I have sensed another massive collective shift happening. We are moving into a totally new way of doing and accessing light work. Instead of really focusing on our shadows, our core wounds, and our deep seated trauma, and instead of focusing on mastering the mind, or leaning heavily into either polarity, we are coming into a space of light expansion.
The work we are feeling called to do feels a little more joyful, more free and expansive, and at times a whole lot more scary. As we focus on the point of light within us, and the unique gifts stored in our unique soul blueprint there is a sense of a deep and powerful light within pushing away all that does not serve us, and calling us into alignment.
As we focus on this light and draw attention to our alignment we are called into many situations and decisions which call us to act without knowing the outcome. To freefall, trust and surrender (feminine), and to take bold action (masculine). As we practice this there is a sense of a deep and powerful light pushing us forward, something bigger than we can understand yet at the same time, we understand that to be the reason we are taking the plunge in the first place.
To put it another way, after centuries of guilt and shaming ourselves through religion and dogmatic spiritual practice, we are coming into a time where as humans we can truly recognise our divinity and the divinity of others. With this new age of light work will come its own shadow of oversimplification, superficiality or humans suffering under the God complex.
The powerful tools of this era of light work lie within you. There is no one on earth who can know you more than you know yourself. This new earth is a powerful invitation to bravely strip back the layers of what does not feel aligned, and let your own powerful light clothe you in a new way of being that feels so right and exciting, you will happily repeat the process a thousand times over.
Would love to know your thoughts
With love
Genevieve Kayra