NEXT LEVEL FOLLOWING ( High Priestess following)

Some time ago I wrote a blog about the different levels of learning to follow in Kizomba. (So long ago I couldn't actually locate the OG blog.) Anyway, today I want to address something that goes WAY beyond technique, and way beyond a one dimensional learning of following. 

I have been playing with these concepts and energetics in my own world for a long time now, I have been exploring alternate ways of teaching to invoke these things in other people’s dance experience. The other day when I spoke with a student of mine and she explained to me her experience on the dance floor, I was SO SO EXCITED. 

Not only had she reached this amazing level of following, and was fully 100% in the energetic zone of what I’m going to call ‘high priestess following’, she was fully aware of it, speaking of it and articulating all the little parts of the puzzle. 

This totally reignited my passion for this topic, and makes me VERY curious to know how many of you are having these experiences on the dance floor? If you are having them do they feel abstract to you? Aside from dance do you have another form of feminine based spiritual practice such as tantra? I have so many questions for you hehe. 

So, when we go beyond our technically great following, and we become very sensitive, able to adapt to many different styles, have deep empathy, our own musicality, and sovereignty as a dancer, we can then enter the realm of what I am coining for now as “high priestess following”. 

“High priestess following’, is when you are embodying that archetype of the high priestess (the one who is confident in her essence, connected with her sensuality, deeply rooted in feminine essence, grounded, intuitive and can see beyond the veil’, and you are doing this WITH AWARENESS.)

When we enter the kizomba dance (or any other interaction), from this place KNOWINGLY, a high level of consciousness can begin to dance its way through us. This consciousness can be in the following (receptive) role of the dance, whilst also being THE INFLUENCER. 

How does this work? Doesn’t this seem contradictory? 

Yes, and not at all. 

When we are deeply connected to our feminine essence we are accessing the polarity of receptivity and magnetism. When the masculine is connected to his essence he is connected to penetration and collating. In the context of Kizomba, if a follower is deeply connected and grounded within her feminine polarity she can use her energy to influence the masculine. 

For eg, if the follower enters the dance and she registers that the masculine is stressed, he has a strong frame, and is applying too much pressure for her. One scenario would be to counter his pressure and ‘protect’ the body through also becoming tense. (And in some scenarios this may be necessary). However most of the time, if the follower is grounded in her own body, and allows her energy to become more relaxed, sensitive and fluid, the masucline has space to receive this message and recalibrate his frame. He does not need to be consciously aware that this is what is happening. The leader will simply feel that there is no resistance in the field, then naturally lessen his own physical force/ strength/ as his body relaxes and realises it is unnecessary.

 In the same way, if you are following someone who feels very ‘strict’, and not open for playfulness or conversation, you can also influence this in your feminine/ follower role. By simply staying with the intuition and feeling the subtle currents of the dance, you will feel openings to create playfulness gently. An aversion to playfulness is usually created in the mind/ the leader is locked in a pattern of rigidity which does not live in the body. Everynone is inherently playful/ has a creative / playful side. Giving energetic space as an invitation to express this side using the subconscious current of the dance is a beautiful way to stay in the receptive pole, yet also create influence in the dance. 

Dancing from this high priestess following state requires a high level of empathy. It is the empathy of the deep feminine who understands that every being is much more than their physical appearance,and the first thing they present. The deep feminine transcends any judgement about what someone's dance says about them, and instead works with the unseen currents in the dance. 

If you are a high level follower and sometimes find yourself ‘bored’ on the dance floor, this could be a new realm of the dance to explore consciously, have a play and see what happens. 

Remember that working with energetics consciously comes with its own bound of ethics. Having the possibility to interact with someone on such an intimate level is a privilege and should not be used for manipulation. 

Accessing this high priestess following state can only be done through true pure intention to connect with your highest self, and the highest expression of your partner. 

I would love to know your thoughts. Have you experienced this kind of thing as a leader or a follower? 

Much love 


Words- Genevieve Kayra 13/ 12/ 22