
Saying ‘NO’ in the entertainment Industry

Saying ‘NO’ in the entertainment Industry

The part of the deal which we often forget is the deal we have with ourselves. In many cases we do not get sick pay, annual leave, or any kind of benefit associated with more regular working contracts. ‘The show must go on’, has been tattooed into our subconscious, so usually getting sick is simply not an option. How many stories have you heard of dancers and artists performing ridiculous jobs even with serious injury or illness? Maybe we just love the drama of it? Or maybe it’s time to engage the power of our ‘no’.

Change Your Dancing Through Feedback

 Change Your Dancing Through Feedback

Feedback is an amazing tool in our quest to improve our dancing. When we receive comments about what we’re doing well, what’s not working, or what we should try to change, it provides us with direction.

Photography: JS Almonte

Author- Rachel Cassandra

To keep up with Rachel Cassandra be sure to explore plenty more at, including more articles, instructional videos, and information on connecting to kizomba all over the world.

The female Kizomba artist

The female Kizomba artist

The reality is this perception of the female kizomba artist could not be further from the truth. In a truly beautiful and synchronised kizomba dance both partners are 100% invested. Each person is giving 100% of their energy, and both people are receiving the other person’s energy. They are a harmonious team, representing yin and yang, lead and follow, invitation and response, to create something that looks and feels like real kizomba connection and artistry.

The Kizomba Home

The Kizomba Home

Because Kizomba does not invite spectators. Infact, she discourages them. Tricking them with her supposed simplicity, she saves the subtle beauty of the dance to be shared between the dancers. Onlookers only see that bubble of calm which extends from their matching sleepy smiles, they don’t even know they share.


The Secret Language of Kizomba

The Secret Language of Kizomba

The next stage is that kizomba light bulb moment! Its that moment where you are dancing and in an extremely cliche fashion the whole world seems to disappear, and you think you might be floating. This is pure connection. You are having an incredibly special conversation with someone, and it can be with anyone, and last a whole song, or many.