Sandra Lucas was born in the town of Libano in the city of Tolima, Colombia. Her family lived in the rainforest zone of Libano and one of the first things that she remembers learning as a child was how to climb the trees and explore nature without any limitations.
This approach to Mother Nature led her to explore different movements and forms that nature in general possessed with it's extraordinary beauty. This beauty inspired this hyperactive young woman to begin an incessant exploration of movement in its different forms.
At the age of 13 Sandra’s mother was forced to move to Bogata for employment leaving Sandra behind and thus separating Sandra from her appreciated inspiration figure. She shared a close bond with her mother, as she was the guiding force in Sandra’s life that encouraged her to investigate ‘other’ experiences allowing her to feel freedom.
After this turn of events Sandra discovered a subject called ‘Dance and Physical Education’ at her school that had a similar effect on her as her childhood experiences growing up in the rainforest. Sandra felt such a connection to this form of expression that she devoted herself to it passionately.
From the age of 15 to her later years Sandra was fortunate to work for a collection of recognised ballets in Colombia such as:
The Ballet of Colombia (Jaime Orozco)
Ballet of Colombia (Ligia De Granados)
The American Ballet (Pedro)
Danzar Colombia
Ballet Aires Flamencos
Colombian Sunrise Dance Agroupations
El Contragolpe Colombian – Suiza Contemporary Dance Company
This dedication and professionalism also allowed Sandra to be chosen as one of the dancers to represent Colombia in European Festivals such as:
Mondes Croises Murat Folklore Festival (Northern France)
Festival Mondial De Folklore De La Ville De Saint - Chislain (Belgium)
Festival International Du Luberon (France)
Marseille International Folklore (Southern France)
40 EME Festival International de Folklore De Chateau (Gombert, France)
Rencontres Mondiales Concarneau (France)
Festival International De Corsica (Corsica)
Brussels Festival (Belgium)
Once Sandra completed her High School education she decided to study the expression of movement thoroughly thus entering the degree of Physical Education at University. It was during her studies that Sandra developed a passion for teaching. Sandra enjoyed the opportunity to pass her knowledge onto younger generations and thus devoted 10 years of her life to teaching dance and cultural expression to school children. This position helped her integrate mind and body, mixing physical education / sport with dance into creative works. In her time as a dance teacher Sandra’s primary education students won two contests in Colombia in the styles of ‘National Folklore’ and ‘Afro - Contemporary Dance.’
In the year 2008 Sandra migrated to Australia where she fell in love with the culture, people and the kangaroo country. It was not long before she started to plan her activities around her passion for dance again.
Sandra wanted to begin peforming the traditional folkloric dances of Colombia to Australian audiences so that Australian audiences could access the rich culture of South America and more importantly provide a way for South American people who had imiigrated to Australia to re-connect with their culture.
In 2008 Sandra began to be known in the Australian Latin community as part of the duo ‘Lucas and Rene’ and had performed for the Breast Cancer Society (Bondi 2009), The Colombian Consulate (Latin Movements / The Marconi Club 2010) and for Colombia's National Day (Copacabana / Bondi 2010). It was whilst performing at these events that Sandra met many people that encouraged her to recreate a great company like the companies she performed with in Colombia but here in Australia.
It was with this goal in mind that Sandra invested all her courage, strength and love into what she knew would work and in August 2010 Sandra proudly registered the ‘Colombian Cultural & Folkloric Organisation as an official business appointing herself as director and founder.
The Colombian Cultural & Folkloric Organisation made its official debut perfomance on November 14th 2010 at The Russian Club in Strathfield. CCFO continued to evolve since this event performing at events like the Darling Harbour Fiesta 2011 - 2015, City of Sydney Council's - 2012 & 2013 Harmony Day Celebration and the 2013 Living in Harmony Festival called "Fiesta", "Independence Day Celebration" 2011 & 2012, Marconi Club - "Latin Movements" 2010, "Cafe Carnivalle" - Paddington Hall, Cervantes Institute - Harmony Day 2011 & 2012 with City Council and later 2016 -2018 we introduce to Australia the "Universal Carnival" a project designed to showcase all the beauty and diversity from Colombia and South America Folklore.
Awards 2014 'Viva Fiesta' in reconigtion to services to Darling Harbour Fiesta and long standing artistic contrinution to the community.
2012 Australian Hispanic womes's Business Network Young Talent Award in Performing Arts - Certificate of reconigtion for the promotion of the Hispanic heritage in Australia.
2011 AHWBN Certficate of reconigtion for the outstanding achiviement in the promotion of the Hispanic heritage in Australia.
it's worth mentioned that Sandra designs and handmade all the costumes for the company.
Colombian Cultural & Folkloric Organisation proudly perform their dances. We always work hard all year to create the best shows that represent our culture..!! be sure to check the 'Upcoming Events' page of this website for the details of other events they hold regularly throughout the year.